Donate Blood
Earn Up To $100 in 10 Minutes* and Contribute to Scientific Research

Blood donations will be used for research & testing specifically in the field of regenerative medicine.
How To Participate:
Read Through the Frequently Asked Questions
Figure out if this is right for you.
Register Via Text
Text DONATE to 239-790-8844
Watch for Texts
A text will be sent to your phone to let you know when we are ready for your donation.
Register by Form
Fill out the form below and we will contact you via email or phone to schedule your donation.
Schedule Donation
Set up a time to visit our lab, make a donation, and get paid!

Earn up to $100 in 10 Minutes*
Frequently Asked Questions
Below is a list of the most common frequently asked questions regarding blood donation. If you have a specific question that isn’t addressed in the FAQ’s, please contact us and we’ll be glad to answer.
Depending on our need and the specific research, up to one cup will be drawn. During the draw, an area of your arm will be sterilized before a needled is inserted for the collection. A certified phlebotomist will preform the blood draw in as little as 10 minutes*.
*Duration of blood draw collection dependent on individual’s health and hydration.
For our research & testing purposes, we are looking for healthy men and woman between the ages of 18 and 55.
The main benefit you’ll receive from donating blood is personal satisfaction that comes with helping in the advancement of science and medicine. Without you, we wouldn’t be able conduct the research needed to improve scientific outcomes. Another benefit is the payment you’ll receive for making the donation.
You will receive $50 to $100 for donations that are half of a cup to one cup in volume. No further compensation will be paid to you and you will not profit from any developments made by researchers using your blood.
Your information will be held confidential so far as permitted by law. The information that identifies you will be kept in your records at Biofyl Scientific Research and possibly sent to a data storage facility.
All samples will be given an anonymous ID number. No name or identifying information will ever be released to researchers. Samples and information will receive a unique code. All samples and information will be coded, and there will be no identifiable link to you. Strict security safeguards are in place to reduce the chance of misuse or unplanned release of information.
You can revoke this authorization at any time in writing. If you do, the following will happen:
- If Biofyl Scientific Research still has your blood sample, it will be destroyed.
- You will not be able to continue as a donor.
- New information about you will not be gathered, but information already gathered will be used.
Biofyl Scientific Research (formerly BioSciences Research Associates) is an independent contract research laboratory providing scientific services to Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology companies for product development and clinical trial support. We are located in Fort Myers, Florida.